Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Make Your Blogging Pay Off!

If you’ve wondered how to make your blog pay, you’re not alone. Many have ventured into this arena only to have their hopes dashed when no one came around, and no money was the soup of the day!

Chalkboard, Story, Blogging, Believe

There are many ways to monetize your blog, such as using contextual ads like Google Adsense, affiliate banners, selling ad space, collecting opt-ins to your mailing list and more.

The problem doesn’t usually lie with the methods of monetization, but rather the fact that the blogger typically has no concept of how to market their own blog.

There are many thousands of new blogs created daily, and in order to make your stand out amidst a sea of new digital ink you need to be able to market it as well. It’s not simply enough to write a great post, you need to make sure someone sees it!

This means you need to think like not only a writer, but a marketer as well. Link out to other blogs. Announce your new blog posts through your social media outlets. Social bookmark your posts. Build links to them. In short do anything you can to draw attention to your posts.

Once you’ve managed to get a bit of a following, the ad space requests will start showing up, and the traffic will begin to click on some of your ads or banners.

Remember why you’re doing the blog in the first place though, and don’t let the prospect of a few dollars distract you form your primary goal of writing a great blog, and getting folks to come around. The rest will take care of itself!

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com

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