Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Keyword Research – The Beginning of Everything

In case you weren’t aware, the online universe is powered by keywords. Want to find something? You enter the closest keyword phrase to what you’re seeking and voila!

Keywords Letters, Scrabble, Word

Want to rank you pages higher in the search results?

You optimize them for certain keywords, and when searchers type in that phrase, your site turns up. Easy, right?

If only.

Half the battle is won at the beginning of the war, when you determine which keywords you want to be found for. This is easier said than done.

Keyword research is not an exact science, and in fact is something more like a dark art. Ferreting out the appropriate keywords for a site is part detective work, part hunch, and part guesswork.

While many of the commercial keyword tools out there can give you raw data to help you make your decisions, you should know that they aren’t completely accurate, and ultimately don’t replace the several inches of grey matter between your ears!

Use the tools to get the raw data, and then mine your competitor’s sites for their keywords. Then, armed with this wealth of possibilities, make your best choices based on what you would plug into a search box if you were looking for your pages. Think like a searcher!

Make sure to take your time with this step! It’s too important to rush!

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com

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