Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Get Massive Traffic and Instant Authority Using Guest Posts

Okay. Need lots of targeted traffic fast, but haven’t got a large ad budget to blast through?

Wordpress, Blogging, Blogger, Editor

I’ve got you covered.

All it requires is a skill you likely already possess, or you wouldn’t be attempting online marketing.

The method I’m talking about here is guest posts.

Simply put, a guest post is where you arrange to have a unique blog post you create posted on a (preferably) high traffic, authoritative blog in your market.

There are several reasons why this works so well.

The blog owner is usually looking for great content for their readers, and you are in turn looking to get visitors to your site/offer, which is exactly what happens when your great content spurs them to want more, and click the link in your post. A win-win for everyone!

How many visitors can you expect to glean with this method? That’s really a function of how good your guest post is, and how many daily readers the blog you post on has. Many times, it will astound you!

This is also a great way to build a list, as many times sending visitors straight to an offer after but one piece of content is usually too much.

A best practice would be to create a great post, and then with your link offer them more, perhaps a free report related to what you wrote about, in order to get them onto your email list. You’ve now given them two awesome pieces, and now you’ve also earned the right to mail to them!

So how do you find great places to write guest posts? Simply do a Google blog search using a search string like this: “guest post” + fitness

Or whatever your market happens to be. You’ll find a lot of candidates, and once you’ve sorted through them, you’ll certainly have some great places to approach.

An easy (and free!) way to get in front of a targeted audience fast!

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com

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