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Archive | November, 2021

Successful Tips for Online Sales

Selling is the number one skill you MUST learn if you are going to be in business whether online or offline. If you do not know how to sell, you and your business will struggle financially and success will take much longer to realise.

Beautiful, Bussiness Woman, Smiling

This truth is very simple and hard to deny: if you do not know how to sell or HATE selling, you cannot make money. Period.

On the other hand, the Internet marketplace is jam-packed with plenty of fantastic opportunities and wonderful products. If you want to learn how to sell, chances are that you have:

A great idea that you think you can make money from,
A product that solves a specific problem, and/or
An income opportunity to provide to people online.

But the fact is this: if you do not know how to sell, you cannot turn your idea or product into a money-producing asset, no matter how great or high in quality they actually are.

What You Need

You probably already have a great idea or a product, now you will need to have the following in order to churn out a sales letter that kills:

1. Good writing skills.

Since you will probably write your own sales copy, you will need to have good writing skills and a good command of English, at least. There are plenty of online copywriting courses and membership sites where you can learn from more experienced writers.

2. Personality.

Yes, you must have personality. You will be writing somewhat a personal letter from you to your prospects so be friendly and approachable in your letter. Don’t write a stiff letter, because not only is it boring to read, you turn people away from your web page faster than Speedy Gonzalez!

Mix your writing skills with personality, and you will make a perfect sales letter that kills!

And last but not least, you need

3. To take action!

There is wealth of information on how you can write your own successful sales copy staring at you online, don’t waste them by not doing anything with the information! The next step after developing your sales copy skills will be to setup a web page to sell your products online. The WebmasterFX.com website provides a range of internet marketing tools to help you build a successful sales pulling, profit producing website.

Finally, go and read point number 3 again

Take Action! Take that great idea that you think you can make money from and start learning to write successful sales copy today!

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


Super-Affiliates! Who Are They… How Do I Find Them and Why They’re Your… TICKET To Online Success!


Who are they?

Business, Internet, Web, Technology

Do you see this term often online and end up confused to what it means and the purpose they serve online?

It sounded really mysterious to me when I first came across the term which peeked my curiosity and led me to research the term further to find out exactly what the term meant and more importantly what their role was in the Internet marketing world.

The information I discovered was Astonishing!

What I’m about to reveal to you in this article will blow your mind and hopefully take away the mystery and answer the questions you once had about what a ‘Super-Affiliate’ is and why they ARE your…

…”Ticket To Online Success!”

Let’s first take away the mystery behind what a ‘Super-Affiliate’ is so that you’ll have a clear picture inside your head of how they’ll benefit your online business for years to come.

A ‘Super-Affiliate’ is simply either or both a High Traffic website and/or a eZine/Newsletter owner with a HUGE targeted opt-in mailing list that are able to sell more in a given day then you could in a month.

As you will learn, the internet is nothing more then a numbers game and the super-affiliates are simply the ones who have already put in the time and have the highest numbers when it comes to ‘Website Traffic’ and targeted ‘Opt-In’ mailing lists.

Are you starting to see the BIG picture yet?

Now, lets move on and break this down a little with some rough numbers so you’ll be able to have better idea of what to look for when it comes to locating a ‘Super-Affiliate’ via search engines and/or eZine/Newsletter directories.

Let’s first start with the Search Engines.

When you are searching the web for super-affiliates with high traffic website’s this is the general guide line I use to gauge there importance.

But, in order for me to do a proper traffic analysis of their website I need to use a special webmaster toolbar offered through Alexa.com.

This toolbar is essential and a must have when it comes to locating super-affiliates and the reason why is because it reveals the ‘Traffic Ranking’ for that particular website you are viewing making it easier for you to tell the difference between the super-affiliates and the other website’s that are just getting by.

Here’s the link to where you can download your own free Alexa toolbar if you choose:

– http://download.alexa.com/

Now… for the numbers.

When I’m searching for a super-affiliate related to my Product, Service and/or any of the affiliate programs I am promoting via the search engines and I happen to come across a website that has a traffic ranking of 50,000 or lower using the Alexa toolbar to gauge the TR then these are the websites where the super-affiliates reside and are the ones I will want to contact with a business proposition.

As a general rule using website analysis, the lower the TR, the BETTER.


Because it means that particular website is receiving Lots… and Lots of traffic which is just what you’re looking for.

Now… that’s the general idea behind locating super-affiliates through website analysis and the search engines.

This next part I’m going to show you where to locate the super-affiliates with HUGE targeted mailing lists.

This is where you stand to benefit the most and could in turn make a substantial amount of money within the next 24 hours of your business proposition if accepted by the list owner.

The best places to locate a ‘Super-Affiliate’ with a HUGE mailing list are through eZine/Newsletter directories. I’ve listed a few of the Top directories below to save you the hassle of having to search for them yourself.

– Ezine Universe

– Ezine Hub

– Go-Ezines

– Netter Web

– Ezine Search

These directories databases are searchable and are full of thousands of ezine/newsletters with list sizes that range from 1000 subscribers to 250,000 subscribers and up.

It’s pretty easy to figure out who the super-affiliates are going to be here.

The Bigger the list size, the BETTER.

But… as a general rule I would have to say that any ezine/newsletter owner with a list size of 75,000 or more subscribers I would consider a ‘Super-Affiliate’.

Remember, this is just a general guide line.

Don’t discard the list owners with smaller lists. The more eZine/Newsletter owners you contact the greater your chances are of SUCCESS!

Now that you know what a super-affiliate is and how to find them Both on the Web and through ezine/newsletter directories your probably wondering how…

… “They’re Your TICKET To Online Success!”

Well, its actually quite simple.

If you own your own Product and/or offer a Service, and this will even work if your an affiliate to someone else’s program, all you have to do is simply locate and approach related website and/or ezine/newsletter owners with a JV(Joint Venture) and/or business proposition offering them a reasonable share(percentage) of the profits if they were to accept your business proposal.

That’s It!

And the best part about this approach is that you don’t even have to spend a penny on advertising and the traffic you’ll receive will be ‘Laser Targeted’ making your chances of SUCCESS that much Greater.

I really hope this article opened your eyes up and cleared up any unanswered questions you once had about what a ‘Super-Affiliate’ was, what their role is in the Internet marketing world and more importantly… How you can locate them via the Web.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


The 12 Things All New Internet Marketers Should Know

An easy to follow 12-point guide and advice to all new Internet marketers and online business owners to help them excel in this very interesting, exciting, rewarding and yet challenging business venture.

Business, Technology, City, Line, Phone

1) It has been reported that there are about 600,000,000 people on the Net world wide at the moment. And the annual growth of the number of surfers is exponential! You can imagine the potential market for Internet business is immensely huge. The chances of your success in the business online are tremendous. Your journey towards that would be a very exciting and rewarding one indeed.

2) Plan your work and work your plan. Like any other forms of work, you must have a plan for your Internet business. Set an achievable short term, medium term and long term objectives, prepare a budget and stick to them as far as possible. Carry out periodical checking to determine any deviations from the plan and take the necessary remedial actions.

3) Do not ever try to spam i.e. sending unsolicited e-mails to unexpected recipients under any circumstances. I get very annoyed when I find chunks of unwanted e-mails plugging my mailbox resulting in the e-mails from my friends and business associates being lost in the midst of these junks mails. The frustrating process of deleting them is enough to drive me through the roof! If you insisted on spamming, youd very likely have your name terminated by the server. It is therefore not worth the while because eventually your business would suffer.

4) Do not try to be a Jack of all trades. Choose only a niche product or service or something where your own expertise lies in. Then consolidate your business by focusing on what you do best. Many Internet marketers have developed very enterprising, lucrative and rewarding online businesses doing what they enjoy and love best i.e. hobbies.

5) Respect, understand and always keep abreast with the advance of technology because it could help you achieve your business vision and personal goals. The ever changing technology provides us with countless tools with which we could use to enhance our businesses. A very good example is the advent of BLOGs. The software used for this today is so simple and friendly that old hats with rusty and somewhat retarded brains like me very often find the process of blogging as enjoyable and relaxing as a breezy walk in the park!

6) Design your webpage or blogs with quality content that would exert yourself and your business as an authority in your field. You should have a content that is not only attractive but also informative to advise especially the first-time visitors what benefits they would enjoy from your products or services. It should be able to persuade customers to keep coming back to your website to repeat their orders and convert casual visitors to prospects and prospects to customers.

7) You’d be tempted with countless of seemingly very attractive offers and promises from the Web to help improve your business. Do not fall into the trap of some of these promises. Just stay with a handful of strategies that work and stick with them.
For example, if you’re submitting articles to drive free traffic to your sites and it’s showing positive dividends, stick to it and continue with this strategy while improving and fine-tuning others.

8) By all means, study your competitors, watch their activities and every move. But love thy competitors, not hate them. Do not knock them into oblivion. Unlike conventional business, you should always find ways to work along them if not with them. There are many online organizations, big and small, working very closely together even in the same product or service market sectors. Very good examples are the joint venture partnerships and link exchanges among the so-called competitors.

9) Do not be too innovative by creating and marketing new and unproven products or services that the market is not willing or ready to buy. Conduct a web research to identify products which command good market and offer them to the hungry and ready market. You could do some modification to improve it in order to have product differentiation and hence enjoying better comparative advantage over your competitors.

10) In Internet marketing, always remember three very important words. They’reLIST, LIST and LIST. Also, do not forget the popular Internet adage The Gold is in your LIST! This means that a big chunk of your time, effort and concentration should be directed to getting the right strategy to drive traffic to your site. Advertising is therefore of utmost importance.

11) Although this is a home based business with all the freedom in the world, it’s prudent to have some form of discipline. Once youve decided to sit in front of the computer to start working online, you must stay focused and do not allow any distraction to affect your concentration. Treat it as your business and not a hobby. It would be nice to stick to a schedule which is also made known to other members of your family so that they’d know when to leave you alone. However do not get carried away and spend too much time in front of your PC because your loved ones, including your pets also deserve your attention and time.

12) Internet marketing is still one of the best businesses one could venture into especially when there is no demand for big capital outlay. With this huge and expanding audience coupled with the fact that marketing and advertising can be done on the Internet so easily and at only a fraction of the costs of traditional methods, we now have a fantastic opportunity to be successful in online business.

Many companies have now positioned themselves profitably with the Internet which has created many new paradigms in the past few years. Passive incomes are made available to people from all walks of life. You can now make money online with simple and proven formula used by many to earn multiple streams of residual income.

However, like any other conventional businesses, there would be times when you would encounter failures and disappointment. Do persevere as this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Time, effort and some financial input are necessary. It would take a while to see the fruit of your effort. Use any failures to your advantage by learning from them. See success in every failure and opportunity in every threat.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


How to Repurpose Your Content for Maximum Return

Here’s how to make your content timely, highly relevant and super hot, every single time.

How to Repurpose Your Content for Maximum Return

Let’s face it – online marketing is and always will be about selling stuff to people. Simple.

The techniques might change (somewhat) and the methods we use become more refined, but it’s still all about selling products and services people need or want.

Keeping that in mind, it’s very simple to write a series of reports on all of the basics.

For example: “How to start a Facebook Fan Page and get 1,000 fans interacting with your product.”

“How to build a profitable list of 10,000 people in 3 months.”

“How to create products, how to drive traffic, how to use social media, etc.”

You get the idea.

Now then, here’s the trick to making your content super timely and hot:

Watch the news.

See what the latest brew-ha-ha in marketing is.

For example, did Google make yet another change that threw website owners for a loop?

Then your ‘how to drive traffic’ report can be repurposed into: “How to Drive as Much Traffic as you Want without Google”

Did Facebook make major changes to their advertising policy?

Repurpose your Facebook Fan Page report into, “How to Get All the Facebook Leads You Want WITHOUT Buying Facebook Ads”

Or for your, “How to make a product” report, you could take the latest marketing trend and write something like this: “5 Products [New Trend] Users are Screaming for That You Can Make in 2 Days.”

In each case, you’ll just go into your Word file, update your document with the new title, add or change the bits specific to the current news or trend, and you’ve got a hot selling new product to offer.

Place it on Warrior, JVZoo, etc. Either promote it to your list, or buy enough traffic to get some sales. Your goal is to get noticed by the affiliates, and from there it’s Profit City for you and your evergreen content.

The beauty of this system isn’t just that you can repurpose your best content over and over again.

When news of a marketing change or new trend hits, you can get your highly relevant product to market almost overnight, filling a market gap practically the moment it’s created.

Plus, isn’t it wonderful to continue getting paid for content you wrote once, and only need to modify to make it highly relevant again?

One more tip: If you don’t like to write, you can always search for PLR. Then update and tweak it to make it relevant to what’s happening now.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


#1 Shortcut to Online Business Success

As a new marketer, or a marketer who is not yet earning 6 figures, building a business can be slow going. You’ve got to write lots of articles and blog posts, do SEO, write a weekly newsletter, participate in 2-5 social media venues a day, network at events, etc. And all of this is just to get your business off the ground.

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There is a major shortcut to success that bypasses all of this time and effort, and its doing joint ventures. A joint venture is you and your partner sharing resources for mutual benefit. A typical joint venture is simply “You promote my program and I’ll promote your program.” Using nothing but ventures, you can grow your business so much faster than by doing all of those other things we’re told to do. JV’s are a massive, MASSIVE shortcut to success.

But when you’re new and you still don’t have a very large list of your own, big JV players will seldom even talk to you, much less do a JV with you which is a real shame. These potential JV partners have already done all those things we listed to build their good name and their lists. If you could simply get your offer in front of their list, you would be golden.

But there is a way to get potential JV partners to pay attention to you, even if you do not yet have a list. Are you ready for this? No, it’s not sending them FedEx packages or calling them on the phone or promising to clean their house for a month if they’ll just mail for you. Instead, the secret to getting JV partners when you don’t have a list of your own is to:

Have a BIG idea, or a unique vision that gets them fired up. Everyone, including potential JV partners, want to be part of something BIGGER than themselves.

Your big idea is going to depend upon your niche. If you’re gardening, maybe it’s to raise money for community gardens or to send seed to countries in need. If your niche is weight loss, maybe it’s a challenge to get 10,000 of America’s office workers to lose 500,000 pounds. (That’s 50 pounds each, so target accordingly.) If your niche is teaching music, maybe it’s to fund an inner city program.

The point is to have a BIG IDEA and then get as many JV partners onboard as possible. There’s a tipping point effect involved in this – once you get a few prominent names in your niche, others will quickly sign up because of the star power of those first comers. Movies are cast like this, too. Once a star comes on board a movie, EVERYONE wants to be in that movie.

And by the way, this is also the secret to motivating yourself. I’ve noticed that sometimes earning an extra $___ a month isn’t enough to motivate some would-be marketers, but having a really big goal that helps others gets them fired up and moving.

So it’s a 2 for 1. Get a big goal and you’ll not only find that JV partners want to join you – you’ll also discover that you have more motivation and energy for the project.

And there’s another lesson in this – just because something doesn’t seem to work doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Just because the established marketers in your niche seem adverse to doing JV’s with newcomers doesn’t mean you throw in the towel and go home. Instead, you persevere and you find another way. And getting a big BIG idea that gets people fired up is that other way.

So make yourself a list of possible big ideas. Keep the question simmering in the back of your brain for the next few days – what would be so big it will get you and your future JV partners fired up? The answer will come when you least suspect it – quite possibly as you are driving, showering or falling asleep. When the answers come, write them down.

Then, when the timing is right, take massive action and put your BIG IDEA in motion.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


Shortcut to Writing the Perfect Tagline

You’ve got a new product or website, but you’re stuck for a tagline.

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Should you spend a lot of time thinking up the best possibility? Surprisingly, no. There is a simple shortcut to writing the perfect tagline that will grab people’s attention and let them know immediately that your product is right for them.

So what’s the shortcut? Believe it or not, it’s letting your customer write your tagline FOR YOU.

First, a few things you should know about the perfect tagline:

1. It needs to be accurately articulated what it is that you are selling, and it needs to position you positively with your target market.

2. It’s got to be original. Whatever it is that you’re selling, odds are there are plenty of others selling something similar. By being original, you can stand apart from the crowd to get noticed and remembered.

3. It’s got to be concise and precise. Memories are exceedingly short and the competition to be heard is getting tougher every day.

Now then, keeping those three points in mind, what do your clients tell you about your product or service? Better still, what do they tell you about the problem your product or service fixes? For example, career coach Julie Jansen helps people to find their ideal work. What do her clients frequently tell her when they’re in her office? “I don’t know what I want, but I know it’s not this.” That became the title of her book.

Another career coach kept hearing, “I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up!” She resisted using the phrase at first because her clients WERE grown up and she thought it might offend them. However, once she added it to the top of her website, she immediately experienced a dramatic increase in inquiries.

Two young software designers were showing a venture capitalist how their software worked. The investor suddenly exclaimed, “That’s so simple, my mother could do it!” Bingo! Their tagline was born.

An author wanted to write and speak about male-female communications. With the room full of people, she laid out a scenario in which they were all trying to communicate with the opposite sex but having difficulties. One gentlemen yelled out, “Can’t she see I’m watching the game?” And her tagline was born.

If your tagline captures exactly how your ideal customer feels, you’ve got it right. As you can see, you don’t need to place pressure on yourself to find the perfect tagline – instead, simply listen to your customers.

To learn more, read the book: “POP! Create the Perfect Pitch, Title and Tagline” by Sam Horn. Then go improve the tagline for your product so you can sell more and serve more.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


Make Your Blogging Pay Off!

If you’ve wondered how to make your blog pay, you’re not alone. Many have ventured into this arena only to have their hopes dashed when no one came around, and no money was the soup of the day!

Chalkboard, Story, Blogging, Believe

There are many ways to monetize your blog, such as using contextual ads like Google Adsense, affiliate banners, selling ad space, collecting opt-ins to your mailing list and more.

The problem doesn’t usually lie with the methods of monetization, but rather the fact that the blogger typically has no concept of how to market their own blog.

There are many thousands of new blogs created daily, and in order to make your stand out amidst a sea of new digital ink you need to be able to market it as well. It’s not simply enough to write a great post, you need to make sure someone sees it!

This means you need to think like not only a writer, but a marketer as well. Link out to other blogs. Announce your new blog posts through your social media outlets. Social bookmark your posts. Build links to them. In short do anything you can to draw attention to your posts.

Once you’ve managed to get a bit of a following, the ad space requests will start showing up, and the traffic will begin to click on some of your ads or banners.

Remember why you’re doing the blog in the first place though, and don’t let the prospect of a few dollars distract you form your primary goal of writing a great blog, and getting folks to come around. The rest will take care of itself!

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


Light a Fire, Change Your Life

Some people need to build a full time income in their business before they can feel comfortable leaving their jobs. Perhaps they have a family and mortgage, and they need to know their income is solid before taking the plunge to full time.

Light a Fire, Change Your Life

Others have to leave their jobs before they’ll get busy and start their business. For them, they need the ‘sink or swim terror’ to inspire them to take massive action.

No matter which camp you fall into, here’s what’s true for nearly everyone:

Your reason ‘why’ isn’t just a nice thing to have – it’s crucial for your success. The bigger your reason ‘why’ when you’re starting your own business, the more likely you will stick to it and do whatever it takes to succeed.

To make your fledgling business a success, you need massive, undistracted action. For example, consider taking a week off from work, moving into a motel room away from all distractions, and creating your own product and sales funnel.

If you don’t know how to do something, you have 2 choices: A: Learn to do it yourself. This takes time and will often derail any momentum you had. For some, it will mean putting off starting the business for weeks and even months. B: Outsource that sucker and move on.

Nearly everyone does better, accomplishes more and reaches success faster if they get a coach. Just sayin’.

Once you taste success, you will never go back. I’ve almost never seen someone make money in their new business and then drop the whole thing to go back to a job. Once that fire is lit, there really is no turning back.

Having your own business is not only financially freeing, it also instills a sense of self confidence that enhances almost every other aspect of your life.

Starting your own business means overcoming your related fears, whatever those might be. Once you achieve success, you’ll find you’re able to overcome even greater fears and accomplish more than you dared hope back when you were safely enslaved. Errr… I mean employed.

If there’s a bottom line to this, it’s this: Decide what you’re going to do. Give yourself a deadline. Then move heaven and earth to get it done, and you will succeed.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


The 7 Secrets of Internet Marketing

Many marketers have been shifting their marketing budgets to the web over the past few years. Marketing online allows you to target specific audiences and easily track return on investment, commonly referred to as ROI. Unlike traditional marketing methods, results of Internet marketing campaigns are almost immediate. This allows you to better evaluate what elements of your campaign are producing results and which are not. When buying online media, you must be willing to shift your marketing dollars to the online methods that produce a positive return.

Digital Marketing, Seo, Google

To be successful at Internet marketing, you must understand the essential secrets of Internet marketing. These secrets can allow you to achieve success by finding the right audience, communicating your message properly, and leading consumers down the path to purchase. These secrets include:

1. Website Directory Listings. Before you begin any marketing campaign, make sure that the website you are promoting has been listed in the common directories such as DMOZ, Yahoo!, and Google. Even if you are using a marketing page off of the root directory of your website, be sure that the primary site is listed. This ensures that prospects can continue to find your marketing pages long after you have launched your campaign.

2. Generating Traffic. In order to realize a return on your investment, you need to generate traffic to your marketing pages. There are a number of ways to do so online. Some of the most popular include Google AdSense, Overture, and Looksmart. Other methods include affiliate programs and targeted website advertising. Research other websites that have the audience youre looking for and negotiate favorable ad rates for your online marketing campaign.

3. Marketing Pages. Dont lead prospective purchasers to a generic website. If you do, potential buyers wont know what to do next. The easier you make if for prospects to take advantage of your offer, the better. Whenever creating a marketing campaign online, provide a specific page for leading purchasers to your product or service or a billboard that showcases the offer. Take the guess work out of making a purchase and more consumers will buy.

4. Testimonials. Customer testimonials are the most powerful way to sell your product or service. When consumers hear from those who have purchased and used your product or service, they gain a certain level of trust and comfort in what you have to offer. Solicit testimonials after each purchase and use those that are the most convincing to prospective purchasers.

5. Create a Compelling Offer. Be sure to offer something that no one else is currently offering. If your offer is similar to your competitors or is not very interesting, consumers have no reason to learn more. Of course providing something for FREE is often a great way to entice potential customers. Maybe its a 3-day free trial or a free evaluation of some kind. Be creative, try something new, and measure the response.

6. Developing Trust. Before anyone will buy from you, your website or company needs to be seen as reputable. This means that consumers can purchase from you and not worry about the safety of their credit card information, personal information, or anything else being exchanged. A good method for developing trust is to purchase and display safety and reliability icons such as BBB Online, Trust-e, and VeriSign.

7. Provide a Guarantee. Nothing makes a consumer more comfortable with a purchase than offering a guarantee. Perhaps you can offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee or a money back guarantee. A guarantee is a great way ease the risk of making a purchase. If your competitors are offering a guarantee, you want yours to be equal or better.

Internet marketing is an incredibly powerful medium for segmenting your prospects and delivering targeted advertising. Online, you can easily measure you return on investment and refine your marketing campaign over time to improve results.

If you are a local business you can benefit from Internet marketing as well. Look for local directories to list your business or service. Or, you can supplement your local advertising with product marketing pages on your website. Internet marketing is more than just placing ads online, its using the web to communicate the value of your products and services.

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