Home Business Ideas and Opportunities

Archive | October, 2021

Truths and Lies of Internet Marketing

A long time ago you decided that working all the hours God sends every week and being away from your family just has to be wrong. You know what? It is. There is a way to right this wrong and it has to do with the Internet. But you knew that already. So what is the next step?

Interior, Design, Room, Office, Home

You have been looking online in the search engines and maybe in the newsgroups and you have seen plenty of opportunities. Most of the hype you read sounds much too good to be true and most of it is. However, there are some real opportunities out there. You just have to know where to look. Don’t follow the other sheep, work it out for yourself.

Where do you look? Who holds the keys to this bountiful virtual treasure chest? Do you have a chance at success?

From here on in we’ll confirm some truths and dispel some lies which you’ll find all over the place online.

Lie: I can earn amazing sums of money online really quick. I can quit the 9-5 within weeks!

Truth: Pure hype reigns supreme on the Internet. The claims of huge downlines, 6 figure incomes overnight and massive mailing lists with no effort are complete drivel. Nothing is easy to make a go of and online it’s no different. It’s possibly even harder to make your fortune online since the rules are always changing. Staying on top of and driving these changes is where your success will come from.

Lie: Working your online business is easier than working the 9-5.

Truth: Making a true success of your online business is, more often than not, a whole lot harder. You are directly responsible for the amount of money you put in the bank at the end of the month. You will need excellent time management skills and organizational skills. Possibly the hardest thing is the motivation. To get up every day and motivate yourself to switch the computer on, knowing you have to get down to some hard work can be very tough some days.

Lie: My time is my own. I can work whenever.

Truth: Your time is your most precious commodity. There are daily demands on your time from your family and the business of everyday living. Real life carries on regardless of whether you have a spreadsheet to prepare or not. Managing your time actually becomes a delicate balancing act. You cannot ignore your family if you’re working at home – and anyway, one of the reasons you wanted to work at home was to spend more time with the family, right?

Lie: My children will enjoy the extra time I can spend with them.

Truth: Still with this time thing. Yes your kids will be happier to see you more around the place but they will also become confused as to why you can’t play with them more and may even come to resent this. The delicate balancing act is indeed a thin tight-rope walk and you’ve got to be a masterful acrobat to pull it off. It can be done however and this shouldn’t put you off.

Lie: Build it and they will come.

Truth: Whilst this may have been true in the very early days of the Internet with the most basic of search engines driving traffic, these days nothing could be further from the truth. Building your website and getting it online puts you on the first rung of the ladder. Getting enough traffic to make your website profitable is your next goal. There are many places online which claim to be able to do this for you, only 2-3% of these places will be worth your time.

Lie: The Internet is just one big playground for scammers.

Truth: The Internet, with it’s anonymity, is indeed a fertile breeding ground for the more unscrupulous among us. While scammers get all the press there are plenty of real people like you making some nice piles of coin from the Internet perfectly legally. The information revolution is upon us and you better get onboard.

Lie: All my friends and family will want to join me.

Truth: Your friends and family will think you’re completely mad. While you may find one or two people who’re open to your dreams and visions, most will simply ridicule you so be ready for that. They may not talk about you openly but they will think you’re wasting your time. Ignore them and prove them wrong. You can do it. Success is sweet.

At the final analysis, if you want to work at home on the Internet, become truly financially and spiritually free then the odds are not stacked in your favour. This being said, with the fire of determination burning inside you, with the strong desire to enjoy a life of no money worries and more quality time with your family then you will succeed. It takes time, effort and hard choices but you can do it.

Just do one thing every day to improve your position and that’s all it takes.


What If ?

What if, What if, What if. This question comes at us every day. What if I said this, What if I did that or what if I didn’t. It comes down to decisions. We all have decisions to make every day of our lives. We all make good and bad decisions. That’s life. When you look back on your life you can think of some really great decisions that you made, decisions that have altered the course of your life. You can also remember some really bad ones that have affected you in a negative way.

Life is never static, its always changing and opportunities come and go. Doors open and we have to decide whether to step through and seize the opportunity or not. When you are standing in front of that open door of opportunity the question arises What if? do I or dont I. We need to make a decision. How do we make decisions? This depends on our background, education, life experiences and sometimes advice from others.

We dont know each other, but I would like to give you some advice. Suppose I said that I knew something that could change your life forever for the better. Would you be interested? Suppose I said I knew someone that was showing other people how to acquire something like real estate for free. Suppose you could also learn how to build on your land something like a five star hotel. You would also learn how to market your hotel and collect rent from guests that pay to stay. Would you be interested?

What am I talking about? Its called virtual real estate. Your own space on the World Wide Web or Internet if you prefer. If you own a space there it can turn out to be very valuable property.

The most expensive house in the world is a 12 bedroom mansion in London England for which an Indian steel tycoon paid $128 million.

The most valuable web page in history, to date, will probably be thesixmilliondollarpage by Alejandro Saavedra and Robert Kanaat. Now heres the difference. The tycoon paid $128 million for the house. How much did these two guys pay for the page. Next to nothing. Maybe a couple hundred bucks at the most depending on how they went about it.

I am going to open a door for you that could literally change your life. The only cost is your time and effort. Now you must decide! Ask yourself the following question:-

What if I click on this link:https://www.pluginprofitsite.com/main-47037/freesetup.html

It could make all the difference.


What Is Private Label Rights and Why Do People Use It?

Since the existence of the Internet, business had been far better than before. This is because the Internet provides more effective means of distributing information about the products and the business all at the same time to the world in a matter of seconds.

Reading Light, Swimming Pool, Waterproof

For this reason, most businesses know that the large number of the online business will definitely increase the income-generating possibility of the business.

However, most online entrepreneurs assume that for an online business to grow and generate good income in the Internet, the business must have its own product. This is because everything is a sale, even the thoughts that you have in your mind could count as a product for sale when presented in the Internet for other people’s use.

But opposing to most popular beliefs, having your own product does not limit you to the many possibilities of earning more by using a “license” that is attached with an “information product” that you may purchase online. These are known as Private Label Rights.

Private Label Rights is one of the three “basic rights” that are embodied in the concept of Resale Rights marketing. Among the three, Private Label Rights are considered as the most moneymaking and rewarding.

Private Label Rights are represented in a certificate or authorization that is attached with an “information item.” The basics of Private Label Rights is to permit people to transform, reorganize, change, or improve the elements of the said merchandise to go well with the buyer’s personal desires and yearnings.

For example, if you own a Private Label Rights, you are allowed to separate the contents of an ebook, and convince somebody to buy the contents as sequence of pieces of writing.

One of the greatest things about Private Label Rights is that you can actually do the same thing inversely. For instance, if you were able to buy a set of information products like a collection of articles embodied with Private Label Rights, you can easily bring them together without the risk of some law-related predicaments. Hence, you can collect different articles from different owners. With a common thought, you can come up with a creative masterpiece of information.

In addition, with Private Label Rights, you can simply customize the contents on the product to make it more meaningful and creative, therefore, creating an impression of having a product of your own.

Best of all, you can even put your name as the author of the product. This is the most rewarding aspect of having Private Label Rights. In this way, you do not have to acknowledge the primary author of the work.

So for those who are not yet aware of the rewards of using Private Label Rights, here is a list of some of the advantages:

1. It is just the thing for marking your name and your business’ name.

You can easily acquire informative products that you can use as your own with Private Label Rights. This creates an impression that you are making your own product and that you are a professional and a skilled person on the given field. In turn, you get the trust that you need in order to compel them to buy your product.

2. It triggers creativity.

One of the best things about Private Label Rights is that you can be creative in a thousand and one ways. This is because you can pull together the different elements and come up with a new and near-original work without having any difficulty of creating such product.

3. Develop a product!

With Private Label Rights, you can simply customize or improve a product if ever it does not fit your taste or needs. In this way, you can both cut back wasteful time by looking for products that are totally worthless or save more money by avoiding to create a whole new product.

However, even if some people contend that it is totally unethical for a person to sell the Private Label Rights for his creations, one cannot simply surmise the fact that engaging into this kind of activity is also beneficial to the seller especially if the product is already nearing the closing stages of its “market life.”

This goes to show that people must learn how to give way to any possible changes to any product that might have already lost its income-generating potential. By allowing other people to modify or enhance the features of certain products, the advancement of such products will continue to take place. And so, the cycle will go on.

Indeed, the basics of Private Label Rights are not just necessary for most of the Internet marketers who wish to earn more income aside from their own products but also for the whole market as well. This is because the whole system of a give and take relationship dwells in the business and that is exactly where income generates its power.


What’s A Niche and Can I Find One Too?

When I came upon that little word — Niche — I wondered, “what is this thing called a Niche — and most importantly, can I find my own niche too?

Moon, Space, The Atmosphere, Window

What is A Niche

Well, A niche, is a service or product , that fills an unmet customer’s need — that is more of a speciality. You are not competing with the masses for a sale on an ebook or an affiliate tool. Instead, you carve out a small corner of the market for yourself on the Internet.

Well, the definition was simple, however, finding a niche that I felt comfortable with was going to be a chore, because I wanted to avoid the affiliate programs — and if possible find a company that privately carried their own affiliate program — without the quota’s and the many rules.

How to Find A Niche

When I started looking for a niche market, I started to make a list of my hobbies, what I liked to do, what I was interested in and what I was familiar with — to help me brainstorm. If this little task does nothing else, it will definitely give you an eye-opener to who you are.

Anyway, when the dust finally settled I realized that I wanted a niche where it would assist others — perform a service of some sort, and would compliment my current website. Not very decisive, but I had a direction.

Then it happened, just by chance, or maybe it was divine intercession — anyway, I received a personal email from one of the assistant manager’s from DentalPlans — stating that she liked my website and wondered if I would be interested in becoming an affiliate.

I looked at their website and the affiliate plan — and I knew that this affiliate program was for me.

Here’s What DentalPlan Offers

1. High conversion rate — 1-5% percent conversion ratio from click thrus.

2. Commission — $40 to $50.

3. Extremely high EPC.

4. Partner through DentalPlans private network — Your affiliate manager will answer any questions you may have — one on one assistance.

5. You can promote on-line or off-line or both.

6. Full 365-day cookie. (If you go through DentalPlans program)

7. Paid monthly.

8. They work with affiliates more closely — will create custom creatives such as: landing pages, banners, pop-unders, emails, editable templates to fit on your website.

9. Free Web templates (standard and editable), banners, affiliate links

10. On-line tracking of stats

11. Multi-tier possibilities (Need to ask about it)


Why Becoming An Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective ways to market online. It is also one of the easiest ways for anyone with a website to make a profit online. Affiliate Marketing is an agreement between a merchant and a website owner. The website owner, or the affiliate, allows the use of their site for the promotion of the merchant’s products by linking to the merchant’s website. In exchange, the merchant pays a commission to the affiliate on all sales generated by the affiliate. Every time someone clicks on the link on the affiliate website and proceeds to make a purchase, the affiliate gets a commission. The merchant will pay the affiliate only when a customer clicks on the product link and makes a purchase.

Money, Earn, Dollar, Keyboard, Computer

Affiliate marketing programs are described as a win-win situation for both the merchant and the affiliate because of the pay-for-performance scheme. Both the merchant and the affiliate enjoy some benefits in affiliate marketing. There are many benefits on the merchant’s side. It gives the merchant a wider market in which to advertise a product or service. Affiliate marketing will give the product or service the maximum exposure that it may not get with other traditional advertising techniques. The more affiliate sites a merchant has, the higher the traffic, which can convert to sales. Affiliate marketing is the equivalent of having an army of sales people who will do the advertising and will only get a commission if a customer purchases.

Meanwhile, since an affiliate marketing relationship is a win-win situation, the affiliate also enjoys many benefits. Foremost among these is the easy way to make a profit. The affiliate can earn by having an ad or link to the merchant’s website, which prospective customers will hopefully click and proceed to make a purchase. As soon as the customer clicks on the ad on the affiliate’s site, is redirected to the merchant’s website and goes on to buy that particular product, the affiliate earns a commission. The more referrals there are the more profit for the affiliate.

Affiliate marketing is an excellent way to earn money while at home. There are virtually no production costs. The product is already developed and proven by the merchant, and all you have to do to find, as many prospects as you can that will bring in the profit for both the merchant and the affiliate. Affiliate programs are usually free to join, so affiliates do not have to worry about start-up costs. There are thousands of products and services you can choose from. You can find affiliate programs for every product under the sun. Surely, there is a product or service out there that is relevant to your website.

In addition, there is absolutely no sales experience necessary. Most affiliate programs offer excellent support when it comes to providing marketing material. The simplicity of affiliate marketing allows you to be an affiliate marketer at the least cost and the most comfort. You can even build a successful affiliate marketing business right in the convenience of your own home. In affiliate marketing, your responsibility is simply to find prospects for the merchant; you do not have to worry about inventory, order processing, and product shipping. These, along with customer service support are the duties of the merchant.

Because of the global reach of the internet, you can easily find thousands of prospects. You can intensify your advertising campaign by exploiting more aggressive and productive strategies such as viral marketing. By attracting more prospects, you also maximize your potential to earn. Another benefit of an affiliate marketer is the minimal risk involved. If the product you are advertising is not making money then you can dump it and choose another. There are no long-term binding contracts tying you to products that are not making enough money.

All the same, the best benefit of being an affiliate marketer is the opportunity to increase your income; and you can make a profit even if affiliate marketing is only a sideline business. With your own affiliate business, you can earn easily earn extra income, although you do have to exert effort and use your imagination to maximize your earning potential. Indeed, affiliate marketing is one of the simplest and most effective business opportunities on the web today.


Why Giving Away FREE Ebooks Can Create A Viral Marketing Explosion

I use them and I am sure you have read them as well. I am talking about ebooks and there is one to cover just about any subject you can think of.

Library, Electronic, Ebook, E-Book

How can ebooks help market your business and website?

Using Ebooks as a FREE give away, bonus offer, or even to give other webmasters the rights to give them away can cause a viral marketing affect that can be a powerful part of your SEO Internet Marketing campaign.

There are many places online to list your ebooks for free like ebook distribution websites as well as giving them away as a free bonus gift for a email subscription on your own website.

Now the first thing you may want to do in the ebook development process is to include your website address, live link to your website and even list a small ad on every ebook page. Leave contact information like an email address, business phone number or whatever other information you want to supply in order to receive leads from your ebooks.

I allow others, who receive my ebooks to sell them for a profit, include them in a bundle of other ebooks or give them away as a bonus on their websites. Let other webmasters do your Internet Marketing for you by providing your ebooks to their visitors.

One simple 7 to ten-page ebook can generate a viral marketing affect that has a long lasting return in traffic to your website. As the ebook spreads across the internet it creates valued buzz marketing that can get your brand tremendous visibility.

Going back to Ebook distribution sites, you can submit your ebook to hundreds of FREE ebook sites once again creating Viral Marketing. Imagine the impact to your traffic by using these distribution sites to promote and pass on your ebooks in their directories.

Build your brand through ebooks and build a professional label for your business. Go one step further and sell your ebooks yourself for another income stream and at the same time producing Internet Marketing for your website that could spread like wild fire.

Note: Be sure to include reselling rights clearly in your ebooks so the recipient can start the Buzz Marketing, Viral Marketing process with out any miss understandings and delays.

Most ebooks can be created very easily either in PDF or some other Ebook writing software, some are FREE.

Start writing your instruction books, tutorials, how to, stories, or what ever and open up a new Internet Marketing avenue.


Why people do not buy

When people do not buy from you, it is because they do not want what you are offering. They may need what you are offering and not know or acknowledge that need, but the bottom line is they do not want it.

Tram, Tramway, Transportation System

Save lots of time, effort and money by targeting your postcard mailings to groups of people who have demonstrated they want your product or service or one’s similar to yours and then mail to them. Follow at least this one piece of advice and become more profitable immediately.

Target your marketing. Promote your business exclusively to people likely to have a strong desire for the benefits provided by your product or service.

Businesses and consumers do not usually avoid purchases because they do not have or cannot get the money necessary to purchase. They usually do not buy because they decide buying something else is more important to them.

You can get them to buy from you by making it clear to them that buying your product or service will get rid of something they do not want or will get them something they do want or will get them more of something they already have that they like having.

It is your job to get your people and businesses to see that your products and services give or get them what they really want. Consumers and businesses rarely avoid buying something because they do not have the money needed to make the purchase. They avoid buying what you offer because they place a higher priority on spending money for something else.

What is the most nagging problem you can solve for prospects in your targeted market? Make it real to them how they’ll feel when your product or service eliminates that problem. Use postcards to communicate how they can get their problem solved.

They do not want to buy and then find out that your product or service would not solve their problem. They do not want to be or even feel ripped off or still at a loss over the solution to their problem.
You must take away their risk in doing business with you.

You must provide a way that they can “trust” you.

If you do not they would not buy and you will lose business.

When you do all these things, guess what? People will buy from you like crazy. You will see them pounding at your doors.


Will Internet Marketing Work For Your Business?

This is an extremely difficult question to answer because there are so many complex factors involved. Specifically the techniques you employ in your Internet marketing campaign as well as the execution of these techniques can determine whether or not Internet marketing will work for your business. Additionally, the likelihood of your target audience using the Internet and responding to your marketing efforts should also be considered into the equation. This article will outline the potential for success in an Internet marketing campaign.

Ecommerce, Online, Shopping, Marketing

Before making the decision to embark on an Internet marketing campaign you should carefully consider your target audience. The Internet is used widely around the world but whether or not members of your target audience are likely to utilize the Internet to research or purchase the products or services you sell is not guaranteed. This is significant because investing a great deal of time, effort and money into Internet marketing when your target audience is not likely to respond to these efforts is not worthwhile.

Conducting market research can do a great deal to help you determine whether or not you should invest in an Internet marketing campaign for your business. This step is very important because it will give you a good indication of whether or not you should even begin marketing your business on the Internet. Hiring a firm specializing in market research is recommended because they can conduct this research quickly and efficiently and will likely gain a great deal of valuable information as a result of their research efforts. If they determine your business can benefit from an Internet marketing campaign, it is time to start thinking about how you want to advertise your business online.

Again, seeking the help of professionals can be an extremely worthwhile investment. If you are not well versed in the industry of Internet marketing, hiring a firm with a great deal of expertise in this industry can be very helpful. They can assist you by consulting with you to determine which marketing strategies will be most effective, designing advertisements for your campaign, helping you to orchestrate your Internet marketing campaign and evaluating the results of marketing efforts to determine which strategies are working and which are not.

The potential for success with an Internet marketing campaign is virtually limitless. The success you enjoy is only limited by your ability to promote your products and services and execute effective marketing strategies. Some of the marketing strategies you may wish to employ may include optimizing your website for relevant search terms, placing links to your website judiciously on the Internet, writing and publishing e-newsletters and utilizing affiliates to promote your website.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most important aspects of any Internet marketing campaign. SEO is so important because it dictates the ranking of your website on popular search engines. Internet users value these results and are not likely to seek out websites which do not rank well with search engines. Conversely, high ranking websites can enjoy a great deal of increased website traffic as a result of these rankings.

Inbound links to your website are also important in Internet marketing. Inbound links are links on other websites which direct users to your website. These links are important in an Internet marketing campaign. First of all many search engines factor inbound links into their ranking algorithms which means inbound links can result in higher search engines rankings. Also, these links can be used directly by website users to access your website. This means you can gain traffic directly from these links.

Another way to enjoy a successful Internet marketing campaign is to orchestrate an affiliate marketing campaign. Affiliates are essentially website owners who place a banner ad on their website to direct traffic to your website. Typically, affiliates are only compensated when the advertisement on their website produces a desired effect such as enticing the users to click through the advertisement, resulting in a sale or resulting in another action such as filling out a survey or registering with your website. Affiliate marketing can not only be highly effective but it is also cost effective because you only pay the affiliates when they produce results.


You Attract Who You Are On The Internet!

Being online is not only about getting your piece of pie, it’s also about what kind of pie you are getting. Your company is often being measured by many other business people online. There are many ways that people are keeping an eye on you.

– Search engine placements
– Number of incoming links
– Alexa ranking
– PR Rating online
– Website growth
– What others are saying

Ecommerce, Online, Marketing, Internet

The reason why people do this is because, we are all looking for other great companies to tie into. Marketing online is about creating a network of advertising to come back to you. The more you put out there, the more you’ll have coming in.

On another note, the quality of what you put out there is very important as well. You are more likely to have your advertising ad viewed by many people from a very popular website, rather than a newbie. This is why many of the top websites in the world offer advertising to the public. There is money to be made.

As an entrepreneur, you should always be looking for ways to connect your business with others online. This is a crucial step so many seem to neglect to do. Maybe you feel it isn’t that important, or maybe you don’t know how to start.

Connecting people online is more simple than you think. It comes down to finding other like minded people like yourself and combining your services or products together. For instance, let’s say you sell “shoes online”. Try finding “Shoe repair shops” that will work with you to bring both your visitors together.

So now that we know why it’s important, let’s also take a look at how you can get the better half of the pie every time…

You attract what you are:
Can’t be more right when it comes to online. When someone is researching online to connect with others, there is no personal feel to it, it’s simply information so we tend to go for the facts. Like I mentioned above, people are trying to measure your success. Why are they trying to do that? To determine whether or not you have made your website as successful as theirs. It’s as simple as that. If you work hard and end up getting medium-to-good-success online, on the same note, you will attract websites that measure up to yours.

The beginners & players:
When starting out, you want to find websites within your field that have also just started. This way, you both can grow together. On the flip side, if you’ve been around for a while, getting other websites attention won’t be too hard for you. People will either listen up real quick or not at all by the measure of your success online.

Sad Reality:
In some respects, this method of connectivity seems much like a rally for BMW’s and another rally for NEON’s. There is rarely something that fits in the middle. If you now have medium success online, it is still a little tough to make successful websites want to connect with you and the newer websites are now knocking on your door.

In Conclusion:
Keep plugging away at everything you are doing online. What you put out there will come back in equal amounts. – Law of the universe.


You Need Your Own Website Whether or Not You Sell

Whether your business exists solely on the internet or in a traditional bricks-and-mortar storefront, you will benefit from an online presence. Customers, potential employees or business partners and perhaps even investors can quickly and easily find out more about your business and the products or services you have to offer from your website.

Online, Card, Payment, Pay, Internet

Most affiliate marketers do not realize the importance of creating quality website content to the success of an affiliate business. Providing a constant stream of fresh, compelling content is vital to branding your name and your business. You can’t do this with a cookiecutter affiliate website; you need one of your own.

Customers research and compare product specifications, quality, and prices. If you are an online affiliate marketer, a cookiecutter affiliate website will build the mailing list of the product owner; you need your own website to brand your name, your business, and your unique selling proposition. If you plan on selling offline, many of your customers will still appreciate being able to research from home.

Many consumers these days research products online before they buy from a bricks-and-mortar store, so if you provide them with the info they seek as well as the ability to purchase immediately, you may capture customers that would otherwise have ended up buying from your off-line competition.

A well-designed website can project the image and professionalism of a much larger company onto your little home business, so spend some time designing your site carefully.

Internet marketing research firms predict that the number of online consumers will grow at a rate of 30 to 50 percent over the next few years. These numbers alone should be enough to persuade you that your business should have a website presence.

A poorly designed website can ruin your business image by sending entirely the wrong message, so take the time to build a phenomenal site. There are many websites offering professionally-designed templates with prices from free and up. Then you need a domain name and hosting provider and grab a mentor while you’re at it. You’ll be up and running before you know it.

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