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Archive | August, 2021

Fascinating Chimpanzee Marketing Secret

According to Smithsonian Magazine, a Zambian chimpanzee named Julie stuck a piece of grass in her ear and left it there. And she did this over and over again. Why? Scientists say the “grass in the ear behavior appears to serve no discernible function.”

Fascinating Chimpanzee Marketing Secret

While chimpanzees have “culture” and traditions, including unique behaviors and tools, these things usually have a concrete function. The grass in the ear doesn’t. Best guess by scientists – it’s some kind of a fashion statement.

But here’s where it gets interesting…

After Julie began placing a piece of grass in her ear, her fellow chimpanzees copied her. Mind you, no other chimp group did this – only Julie and her followers.

So what’s this got to do with online marketing?


You can tell your readers to buy a product. You can tell them it’s the greatest product ever. You can tell them it will rock their world and change their life.

And some will buy.

But if you purchase the product yourself – if you USE the product yourself – and if you tell your readers about your experience – you will be far more likely to make sales.

Imagine if Julie had tried to force grass into her fellow chimps’ ears. Do you think they would have bought the concept? Not likely.

Obviously your readers and customers aren’t chimps. Humans are better for marketing purposes than chimps because humans are even MORE likely to copy what you do.

If your readers like you, trust you and even suspect you know what you’re doing, they’re going to want to be like you.

And if that means buying and using certain products, they’ll do it. Just be a leader and respect your readers enough to make their own decisions, and many of them will be glad to do what you do. Plus it gives you a ton more credibility. After all, you’re telling them about the products and services you use, not trying to force products down their throat…

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


Common Work-at-Home Positions You Can Apply For

Working at home sounds like a dream come true to most people. No tromping out in the cold weather, no need for business clothes, and perhaps a way to truly have integration of family life and work without being fired. But, what sorts of positions can you find that you can do at home?

Common Work-at-Home Positions You Can Apply For

Inbound Call Center Agent

An inbound call center agent takes calls using their home phone and computer system from the comfort of their home office (or kitchen table), taking orders for products and services. For example, you may work on a project for well-known home shopping networks or food chain establishments. You’ll be trained, and have practice calls before you get started. You will make between $8 and $20 dollars per hour from home doing this. Some positions are independent contracting and some are full-fledged employees.

Outbound Call Center Agent

An outbound call center agent makes outbound calls to a list of leads given to them by the company they work with. They will try to sell something to the person they are calling such as magazine subscriptions, vacations, or even provide political information during election season.

It will depend on which company you choose to work with on what type of calling you will do. You’ll be trained, provided a script, and learn to be a professional at this type of calling. Typically, with these positions you’re required to hit a certain level of sales to keep your position. The highest earners make about $60,000 per year.


Every year you likely get fundraising calls. Well, many non-profit organizations hire people who work from home to do the fundraising. The pay is usually hourly, from $8 to $20 per hour depending on the organization you’re working for. If you have less experience than others, you can expect to earn less money since pay is usually based around time on the phone and funds collected (your results). Phone work can be challenging, but with more experience and skill development you can always earn more money.

Adjunct Professor

Believe it or not, colleges and universities contract with adjunct professors to teach and or grade their online courses. If you can get your foot in the door there are a lot of opportunities with online teaching at the college level. You will typically need at least a master’s degree in the area you want to teach, and a doctorate definitely will expand your opportunities.

Answering Service

This is a lot like some of the call positions mentioned above in terms of pay, but instead of dealing with sales you’ll be answering for businesses and taking messages and/or transferring calls as needed. You could be answering for various doctor’s offices, apartment complexes and other businesses during their lunchtime and off time. You can easily do this work from your computer set up at home.

Customer Service Rep

A customer service rep can work in a variety of ways such as via phone, text, email, chat windows and so forth. You would be trained thoroughly on the products and services and likely need to pass a test for each business that you’ll be serving to handle customer problems and issues remotely. Most companies pay ranges from $8 an hour to $20 per hour.

Online K-12 Instructor
You may not realize it but there are now fully online schools, and also some land-based schools that offer some of their less popular courses online. If you have a teaching certificate in the areas needed and experience in teaching, you should have no problem finding an online teaching position. The pay depends on the school. Some schools make you a full employee, and others work you as if you’re an adjunct contractor.

Travel Agent

Yes, travel agents still exist and companies are hiring travel agents (sometimes called travel consultants) to answer phones and help customers plan their trips. Usually you get paid a combination of base pay, and/or a percentage of sales with these types of jobs. So, you might have to make a lot of sales to make enough money as usually you won’t make more than 10 percent or so per sale. But, many travel agents love what they do and often get travel perks and discounts too.

Transcription Service

Many types of businesses use transcription services. There are many work-at-home opportunities for transcriptionists. Most of the time the transcribing is medical based but there are also opportunities for other types of transcribing. A good transcriber can make about $45,000 a year working from home. In some cases, you’ll be an independent contractor, and other times you will be an employee, depending on your choice of company.

Appointment Setter

Many businesses such as the insurance industry need appointment setters. As an appointment setter you will be calling leads who have expressed interest in meeting with someone to discuss the product or service being provided. You’ll simply call the prospect and make the appointments for the business owner and add it to their calendar. You may also call back to confirm the appointments 24 hours in advance. Pay can be hourly, or on an appointment-by-appointment basis.

There are many work-at-home positions that you can find today due to the advent of high speed internet and the relatively inexpensive cost of making long distance calls today. It’s important to check out any company before committing or offering your information to them before you get started, to avoid being scammed. Typically, other than buying and providing your own technology, you should not have to give the company any money to get started. What are you waiting for? Start your search for real home employment today!

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


What Business Are You REALLY In?

While appearing on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, super star country singer Trace Atkins tells about the time in his life before he became famous. Trace played in clubs throughout the Southwest for 5 years, moved to Nashville and played in bars for another 3 years before getting his first recording contract.

What Business Are You REALLY In?

Trace says, “I always had very happy club owners because I would challenge people to drink as much as I did from the stage. So I sold a lot of liquor, which is really the business that you’re in when you’re playing in beer joints. You’re not in the music business, you’re in the liquor business.”

Craig Ferguson jumped in with his own analogy, explaining that his late night tv show wasn’t about television; it was about selling erectile dysfunction pills to lonely people. Okay, maybe Craig was joking (and maybe he wasn’t) but the point is this: You’re not always in the business you think you’re in.

Trace knew that if he wanted to stay booked in the local pubs, he needed to make the bar owners happy. And what did the bar owners really want? It wasn’t to pack their venues with people who liked to listen to country music – it was to sell drinks. It wouldn’t matter how many people showed up for the music if no one was drinking and Trace knew that. That’s why he made it his business to sell alcohol, making the bar owners happy and ensuring he continued to work.

Trace’s number one customers weren’t the fans, they were the bar owners. And later, his number one customer would be the record label. Whatever you sell, it might not be what you think it is and your customer might not be who you think it is, either.

If you’re in the business of helping small businesses with their marketing, who is your customer? The business owner, of course. And yet there is often someone who it is even MORE important to impress than the business owner, and that’s the gatekeeper. It might be an assistant, a secretary, a spouse or the manager. This is the person who is the KEY to getting to the guy or gal who makes the money decisions. If you don’t make it a priority to sell the gatekeeper first, they are going to sabotage you and you’ll never get the client.

Let’s say you’re in the weight loss industry. Are you really selling yet another method to lose weight? Or are you selling people on the hope they can feel sexy again, fit into their clothes again, live longer, overcome their crippling health challenges and so forth? If you’re a minister or a teacher, your clients aren’t your congregation or students – it’s the board that determines if you get to stay or go.

Let’s face it: If it weren’t for all the issues that being overweight brings with it – if people were just as healthy and sexy and confident with that extra weight – then you would be out of a job. You’re not selling a skinnier body, you’re selling a better quality of life, and that’s a huge distinction.

The romance niche isn’t about finding someone to move in, pay half the mortgage and make you less lonely – any decent roommate can do that. It’s about sharing life experiences with the one person who truly knows you, being yourself in front of this person and being able to completely open up and let someone else know the real you, expanding your world to encompass another and so forth.

You might think you’re a musician, a marketer, a product creator and so forth, and maybe you are. But you’re also a version of Trace’s alcohol salesperson, or whatever it takes to connect with your customer and make the sales.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


Are You Repelling Prospects? Good!

A hundred years ago a shop might have tried to be many things to most people. In fact, big box stores still do that today, with good success. Walmart is everything and all things to those looking for the cheapest price. But even they repel customers – namely those people who value service and quality over price.

Are You Repelling Prospects? Good!

These days it pays to specialize. Rather than trying to be most things to most people, you want to do one thing and do it really, really well. If you teach gardening techniques, rather than teaching everything to every gardener, pick a focus such as organic vegetable gardening. If you teach marketing, teach it to a very specific audiences, such as chiropractors or coffee shops or contractors.

Yes, you’ll be repelling the vast majority of customers, but you’ll also be attracting the exact prospects you can help the most. And in so doing, you can also charge accordingly.

After all, who commands the highest price – the person who teaches generic marketing techniques to anyone and everyone? Or the specialist who teaches plumbers to build their businesses to seven figures? Every time, it will be the specialist. If you don’t believe it, look at the health care industry, one of the biggest businesses of all. Who makes more – a general practitioner or a heart surgeon? Specializing pays, and it pays big.

One more benefit of specializing and perhaps the most important of all is this: You become the ONLY choice. When a dentist wants advice on building his practice and he’s faced with 10 choices – 9 of whom do marketing for any kind of business and 1 who works exclusively with dentists, there simply is no competition. Even if your prices are double or triple of your so called competitors, because you are the specialist you will win the business nearly every time.

Bottom line: Know exactly who your target audience is, become their ONLY choice, and repel everyone else who is not a good fit. You’ll attract better customers who appreciate you more and are happy to pay for your specialized service and products.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


2 Ways to Enter the Conversation that’s Already Going On in Your Prospect’s Head

You’ve heard that adage before, haven’t you? It’s akin to walking over to someone, standing beside them, making them feel very comfortable with you, and then gently, subtly, asking them to walk with you.

2 Ways to Enter the Conversation that's Already Going On in Your Prospect's Head

They’ll go along with you quietly and in agreement almost every time.

Contrast that with standing far away from someone and shouting to them that they need to come stand where you’re standing or else… Or else they’re stupid, or else they’re missing out, or else they’re making a mistake, etc.

This is the point where most prospects dig their heels in and say, “Oh yeah? I don’t think so!”

Can you blame them?

This is why you want to start where they are. What do they already think or know about your niche, about your product or service, or about you?

If prospects routinely believe your offer is too good to be true, lead with that. “I know what you’re thinking… this is simply too good to be true. I thought the exact same thing myself, but then I discovered that…”

They may think that this isn’t the right solution to their particular problem. “You might feel that in your case, our product won’t make the difference you need and want. I felt the exact same way when I had this problem, but what I found was this product not only ____ and ____, it also ___…”

You might start with the problem itself. Your prospect is in financial difficulty, so talk about what that feels like, how it affects them, how it makes life difficult, etc.

And here’s an entirely different way to start where they are in their minds, and that’s to begin with whatever it is that everyone is talking about right now.

For example, let’s say you’re sending out an email and the big story today is the revolution in another country, or new photos from space, or some crazy thing the government is doing. Whatever it is, the story is plastered all over the news. You can lead with that and gracefully tie it in with your marketing message.

Celebrities are fantastic for this. People love celebrities: Movie stars, rock stars, sports stars, etc. Start out talking about the latest celebrity news and tie it into what you want to say.

For some inexplicable reason, celebrity is frequently confused with credibility. Thus when you tie a celebrity in with your product, even when it’s perfectly clear that they are not actually related in any way, it elevates the status of your product in the customers’ eyes. Strange but true.

Using the news or celebrities necessitates creativity on your part. Make sure it’s in good taste, and that it makes sense. Also, when possible, make it entertaining. In fact, always strive to be interesting and entertaining – your customers will love you for it.

One last thing – if you don’t know what’s going on in your prospect’s minds, it’s time to find out. Hit up social media to find out what’s being talked about, or go to the forums to see what problems people are having. You’ll discover enough in 15 minutes of research to craft a half dozen marketing messages that all begin with you entering the conversation in your prospect’s head.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


Can You Really Quit Your Day Job to Become a Successful Blogger?

If you’ve ever dreamed about quitting your day job and becoming a professional blogger, I encourage you to entertain the possibilities…

Can You Really Quit Your Day Job to Become a Successful Blogger?

Many of us toy with the idea of starting a blog and quitting our jobs but very few have the nerve and commitment level necessary to set out and actually make it happen. This is a big shame however, as there’s nothing to lose in starting a blog online, and many exciting rewards when you are successful. In this article, we’ll look at how you can overcome the fear and the apprehension holding you back, and dive in to become a successful blogger.

Fear Setting

If you’re afraid of giving up your job to become a blogger, then it’s time to do some fear setting. This is a technique recommended by Tim Ferriss and it’s highly effective when it comes to combating irrational fears.

To begin, you’re going to ask yourself what it is you’re afraid of and then make a list. Is it the thought of not being able to find work if you aren’t successful? Is it the thought that your family might think you’re irresponsible and leave you?

Once you’ve made the list, you’re next going to go down the column and assess every item in terms of how realistic it is. At the same time, you’re going to write down how you’d deal with that problem if it came to pass. Would your partner really leave you because you decided to chase your dreams? Wouldn’t it in fact be easy to walk into another job with your credentials?


More importantly though, recognize that running a successful blog doesn’t have to mean giving up your day job. Put more time into a blog and it will grow faster, but you can do perfectly well with an hour or two each night and little time at the weekends. Give up some of your evening TV and invest that time developing your blog. Before long, you’ll have a profitable online business that will give you more leverage and freedom in your life.

If you’re really passionate about your blog, you’ll find it doesn’t feel like work… In fact, it can be quite fun and a great release for your suppressed creativity. I recommend starting your blog while you still have a job until it’s bringing in enough income to give you the security you need. This way there’s no risk and you’ll have a much better idea of whether you can be successful before you make any giant leaps.

Since starting a blog online can be done for free or very low cost, the only investment you’ll be making is your time. Plus, you’ll be learning a lot and developing new marketable skills along the way, which may become useful in your current job or help you land an even better one some day in the future.

Action Required

Nothing changes until you take action. Reading an article about blogging isn’t enough. In fact, the more information you read without taking action, the stronger the “analysis paralysis” muscle inside your brain grows. If this article has inspired you even a little, take a look at the details on the Plug-In Profit Site service here on my website which I highly recommend because it’s a proven service that will help you get your own money-making blog and website setup for free in the next 24 hours! Now you have no excuses left… 😉

Start your blog today!

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


How to Write What People Want to Read

One of the biggest secrets to success when it comes to blogging is knowing how to write content that people will want to read.

How to Write What People Want to Read

Note that this isn’t really about the way you write. Or at least that’s only part of the puzzle.

Instead, writing content that people will go out of their way to read is all about choosing exciting topics, giving them great titles and knowing what it is that makes people click.


A good place to look for answers is “clickbait”. Clickbait is any content that is designed to get clicks, even if it isn’t entirely honest in how it goes about it. Normally clickbait titles are purposefully provocative or misleading and this gets people to click on them.

For instance, you’ll see things like:

“10 Tips to Transform Your Body – Number 4 Changed My Life!”

“You’ll Never Believe What Happens to Woman in This Shocking Video!”

“This Marketer Boosted a Facebook Post: What Happens Next is Awful”

For most people the curiosity/promise of the title will elicit a click even if the content doesn’t live up to that promise.

Clickbait does work and can generate a lot of visits to your website. The problem is that it’s also misleading and as such, it can damage your branding.

The trick is to take what works about clickbait and to use it in a more honest manner.

The Right Type of Title

So let’s ask ourselves: what is it about clickbait that makes it so successful?

The answer is that it looks different, it looks interesting and it promises something unique/that you haven’t seen before. It would be fine, if the actual content weren’t lacking or deceptive.

Clickbait is even more successful thanks to the sheer drought of interesting content on the web. How many fitness sites have you been to where all the articles are on “10 ways to get abs” or “how to eat clean to lose weight”. This content is so repetitive, and most people have seen similar renditions of it already.

The key then is to create content that offers something genuinely interesting, that people haven’t seen a thousand times before and that sounds interesting.

For a fitness site, that could look like this:

“How my fitness addiction nearly ruined my relationship”

“Cardio acceleration: a new type of cardio fitness that burns 300%+ more fat”

“Why bodybuilders are stronger than powerlifters”

These titles are engaging and unique but what’s more is that they’re also meaty and give you the opportunity to offer some really great content that truly helps other people. That’s how you get clicks and build fans!

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


7 Ways to Get The Attention of a Big Shot

Okay, so you’re still growing your online business and there are people in your niche you’d like to reach out to. Maybe they have bigger lists, more blog readers, more exposure, more clout and so forth. And like any sane marketer, you’d love to hitch your wagon to their star, or at least make a friend in the business… So how can you do it?

7 Ways to Get The Attention of a Big Shot

One way NOT to do it goes like this:

Hi Joe Smith, you don’t know me but I love your (Blog/Product/Website) and would really like it if you would (mention my blog/promote my product/email for me) etc.


New Guy

If that sounds even remotely like emails you’ve sent in the past, realize you are not alone – many new marketers make the mistake of starting a correspondence with what the other person can do for them.

And what does the recipient actually hear when they read these messages? Something like, “You’ve worked hard to build your business, now drop everything and let me – a total stranger – piggy back off your success for free.”


Is it any wonder why they seldom respond?

So how do you get better known people and influencers in your niche to pay attention to you? Here are 7 methods proven to work:

Mention and link often. Mention them in a blog post, point to a specific article they wrote and blog about it, share their stuff on social media and so forth. Then TELL them you mentioned them. “John, loved your article on ___, especially what you said about ___. Just wanted to let you know I included you in my latest blog post here ___ and sent your article link to my followers on Twitter, too.”

Make lists, round-ups and recaps. List the 20 most influential bloggers/chefs/snipers/___. Or make a list of the 10 people you most admire and why. Or do a weekly round-up of all the best of the best in your niche for the current week. The main point here again is to link out to the influencers in a very real, authentic way and then let them know about it.

Build on something they’ve done. Let’s say your guru of choice wrote a great post – now you’re going to write your own post that first declares how much you appreciate their post, and secondly builds upon what they said. If they wrote about 10 ways to increase conversions, you might point to their article as being a must read, and then add your own 10 ways for a total of 20. Or you might showhow to take what they teach and ramp it up a notch or even throw it into high gear. The point is to acknowledge their work and use it as your own inspiration to create something even better. And remember to email them and let them know about your article – it’s possible they will blast it out through their social media accounts and possibly even to their list.

Repackage what they’ve done. Your favorite influencer wrote a great post on the 20 newest trends of the year? Turn their post into an infographic, video or slideshow presentation, then email them and let them know. If you do this well you are almost assured they will share this with their followers.

Quote them. They’re the expert, right? So when you’re writing a post, quote them as proof of what you’re saying or teaching. Be sure you link to them when you do. And as ever, let them know you quoted them.

Send them a thank you. For no reason, except that they rock. This could be a gift certificate, an actual card in the mail – maybe a book you picked out for them from Amazon. Attach a note that let’s them know this is a thank you for all that they’ve done for you. Used in conjunction with any of the above methods, you will become unforgettable.

Offer to do a service for them. For free. No strings whatsoever, it’s simply your way of thanking them for how their posts, articles, products, etc. have helped you. If you’re good at graphic design or caricatures, create one of them or their product. If you’re good at photos, offer to let them use yours for free. If you’re good at writing emails, offer to write one promoting a product of theirs that you love, and so forth.

Everyone was at one time a complete stranger to everyone else but their own mother. Yet they were able to make connections, and so can you. Don’t let someone’s stature in your niche stop you, just know that the best approaches come from an attitude of gratitude. Be an asset rather than someone looking to get a free step up, and always have the goal of building a long term friendship first, with business coming in a distant second.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


25 Unusual Split Tests that Increase Sales

Even the smallest changes can sometimes result in the biggest increases to your conversion rate. Take the headline split test, for example. Headline A, B and C are tested against each other. Headline A converts at 1%, Headline C converts at 2.5%, and Headline B converts at 4.9%. Hmmm, which one should you pick? The choice is obvious, you go with Headline B.

25 Unusual Split Tests that Increase Sales

But what if you hadn’t split tested? You would never have known. Just imagine: You write a terrific headline, which happens to be Headline A. It looks like a sure winner, so you don’t bother to test. And sure enough, it converts at a respectable 1%.

But, if you had tested, you would have chosen Headline B. And for every 100 people who hit your site, you would have made 3.9 more sales. If your product sells for $47 that’s another $183.30 you would have earned for every 100 visitors. But you didn’t test, and so you didn’t know, and so you lost thousands of dollars. Ouch.

Testing might seem like an irritation, but there are few things that can pay off as handsomely as a simple split-test.

That’s why I’ve made a list of things you might want to test in your next sales letter or even in your next email. I’ve left out the common things like headlines, pre-headlines, sub-headlines and calls to action. You already know about those. But have you thought about testing these?

Various bonuses tested against each other and against no bonus

Person next door tone versus formal business tone

Header versus no header

Placement and look of testimonials

Adding more images, arrows, underlining, etc.

Adding/changing the text underneath the images

For low priced items – Placing the price at the top (beginning) versus at the bottom (end)

A soft sell versus a hard sell approach

Adding more call to actions throughout

The design of the page itself

Wording directed to your best customer versus more generic copy

Changing the color scheme

Changing the color or text on the order button

Variations on your product image(s)

Variations on your product image size

Variations on your product image location(s)

Renaming your product

Focusing on benefits versus focusing on the pain of no solution

Placing bullets closer to the beginning versus further into the page

Focusing on one major benefit versus a laundry list of benefits

Having all copy or video on one page, versus using steps with a progress indicator

A trial offer versus asking for the entire sale up front

Sales – a percentage off versus a dollar amount off

Coupons versus sales

And perhaps the most interesting of all: Using dark emotions like jealously or revenge to get the sale [“You know that snobby woman at your child’s school who thinks she’s so terrific? Right now she is praying you NEVER get this program, because if you do you’ll lose that weight and look ten times better than her. Imagine how envious she’ll be then!”] Heh heh.

Mind you, this list is to get you thinking and moving in the right direction. There’s no way you’re going test all of these things unless you’re a compulsive profit-seeking entrepreneur who can’t rest until you’ve got the most finely tuned sales presentation in the history of the world.

For the rest of us, pick and choose what you test. If you haven’t already, start with the basics like your headlines and calls to action. Then choose something from this list and see if you can’t boost your conversion rate even higher.

To stay motivated, do the math to find out how much more you will earn on every 1,000 visitors for every tenth of a point you increase your conversions. Write this number down and post it where you’ll see it. Then every week, or every day if you’ve got the traffic, test something new. There’s no easier or faster way to give yourself raise after raise than continually split testing.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com


Quit Your Job and Go Full-Time Online

What a great daydream this is: You make a ton of money online and then go tell your boss to ‘have a nice day.’ This is the scenario you see in sales letters all the time. “Buy this product, put it to work and next week you can kiss your job goodbye, forever.”

Quit Your Job and Go Full-Time Online

Real life doesn’t always work like a sales letter. In fact, life continually gets in the way. You make some extra money but then it dries up. Or you have an emergency and the extra money bails you out of that crisis but you’re no further ahead.

Or – and this is the most common of all – you have the best intentions but you never quite get around to making that fortune online. Even though a year ago/two years ago/five years ago/ you swore you would be retired by now.


How do you eat an apple? Unless you’re a horse, you eat it one bite at a time. In my early years I found that building your online income and telling your boss to shove it works the same way – you go through the process of replacing your income one step at a time.

It’s a funny thing: You can make $5,000 a month online fairly easily, but only when you KNOW you can do it. Until you KNOW it, it seems just out of reach. And as long as the goal seems out of reach, your subconscious will sabotage you every step of the way to see to it that it never happens. If you can’t conceive it, there is no way you’re going to achieve it, no matter how hard you try.

It’s like getting a job. You can’t get the job without experience, but you can’t get experience without a job. Same way with making money online.

But right now, this instant, I’ll bet you know that you can make enough to cover just one of your bills, right?

So pick a monthly bill of yours, any bill. Now get enough income coming in each month to completely cover that bill. Maybe it’s your $100 water bill. Great. All you need to make is a consistent $100 a month, and it’s taken care of.

Don’t spend this new income on anything but paying that bill. Any money you make above what it takes to pay the bill is either reinvested into your business, or… … you pick another bill and start covering that each month, too. And you just keep adding another bill and another bill into the mix until they are ALL covered, including your mortgage or rent, including your food, including everything.

But notice how you did it – not all at once, but simply one bill at a time. Your mind can wrap itself around this concept of taking it one step at a time. Your subconscious will stop fighting you and you’ll be surprised how easy the process becomes. It’s all about small steps that prove you can do it, that prove you can move on to the next level, and the next.

Once you’ve got all of your bills covered and then some, you can quit your day job with confidence, because now you KNOW you can make money online. There is no question. You’ve already proven you’ve got the confidence and the skills.

The magic is this: Instead of sitting down at your computer and thinking, “Okay, I’ve got to make enough money to cover all my expenses this month,” you simply tell yourself you’re going to make enough to cover one little bill.

You are no longer trying to create an online business, you are simply taking the first steps. You are enjoying numerous successes along the way that fuel you to keep going.

Get that first bill paid and you’ll be on your way to achieving total financial freedom, one step at a time.

Ronald Aqui – https://ronaldaqui-homebusiness.com

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